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Submit Your 2022 Motorcycle Events Now - It's Free!

Started by Shades, December 20, 2021, 07:27:24 PM

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No strings attached it's free to submit your motorcycle related events to our calendar for everyone to see and discuss in our forums. Just sign up by clicking on the "Join" link above (again it's free!) and follow the instructions below.

My name is Shades and I will be glad to help you anytime, just send me a PM or email on this forum. 8)

Step 1. Go to the Events Page and at the bottom choose a "State" in the drop down box and click on "Post new ad".

Step 2. Please copy and paste the template below and change the ALL CAPS info to your event info without "all caps" when submitting your events for faster approval: (Note: The "Countdown" below is optional)

[color=orange][b]Event Name:[/b][/color] YOUR EVENT NAME HERE
[color=orange][b]Event Date/Time:[/b][/color] YOUR EVENT DATES HERE
[color=orange][b]Coundown:[/b][/color] [countdown=5,13,2022]Expired[/countdown]
[color=orange][b]Event Type:[/b][/color] YOUR EVENT TYPE HERE
[color=orange][b]Event Description:[/b][/color] YOUR EVENT DESCRIPTION HERE
[color=orange][b]City:[/b][/color] CITY HERE
[color=orange][b]State:[/b][/color] STATE HERE
[color=orange][b]Zip:[/b][/color] ZIP CODE HERE
[color=orange][b]Contact Phone:[/b][/color] (AREA CODE) 555-1234
[color=orange][b]Contact Email:[/b][/color] CONTACT EMAIL HERE
[color=orange][b]Event URL:[/b][/color] EVENT WEBSITE HERE
All other formats may be delayed or may not be accepted!

8) Thanks
Sniffing out the road ahead

Dream as if you'll live forever; Live as if you'll die today. - James Dean


We've made it even easier! Just click on the Submit Event link in this post or at the top of any page.

Shades 8)
Sniffing out the road ahead

Dream as if you'll live forever; Live as if you'll die today. - James Dean

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