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A group of all women bikers take a ride to raise money for School

Started by Shades, April 04, 2022, 08:57:28 PM

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A group of all women bikers take a ride to raise money for Gretchen Everhart School

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) - Fundraising in style.

Saturday, a group of all women bikers rode their motorcycles across Tallahassee to raise money for the Gretchen Everhart School.

The group telling our Brandon Spencer they want to end the stigma of bikers while raising money for a good cause.

Led by LCSO and TPD, a brigade of all women bikers took to the streets of Tallahassee to not only raise money for charity but to rewrite a stigma.

"There are motorcycle riders that stand for good deeds and I want to make sure that people know that the motorcycle world loves everybody and want to give to charity also," shared Full Force Ryderz Founder Spyce Davis.

The event meant to humanize all bikers, no matter what walk of life.

Gretchen Everhart says they will be having a 50th year celebration April 29th on their campus and a motorcycle brigade may also be a part of that as well. So the organizations say to stay tuned.

Read full story at:
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